attend the 2007 Ecoliving Fair & Speaker Series, Oct. 13 & 14
The EcoLiving Fair and Speaker Series is an annual event that invites all businesses, corporations, governments, academia and non profit organizations to exhibit their projects in a trade show and conference setting. The 2006 EcoLiving Fair included 52 exhibitors and 23 speakers. Each exhibitor must meet with our strict criteria and offer the general public an environmental solution. The well attended Speaker Series offers the general public a mini conference on environmental initiatives from the Calgary area and around the world. Each presentation is 45-minute long and is delivered by sponsors, exhibitors, academia, and various experts. This year we are paying for a speaker from Curitiba, Brazil to come to Calgary to share the unique story of Curitiba and how it is called a global example of a sustainable city.
The Fair and Speaker Series is hosted over two days and held at SAIT Polytechnic campus. The event attracts individuals from across Western Canada. A Directory is produced prior to the event and is available to the general public at numerous venues around Calgary throughout the year. The EcoLiving Fair and Speaker Series are completely run by volunteers. In 2006 there were over 80 volunteers working before and during the two day event.
For more info, go to
Official Website:
Added by codytorgerson on August 23, 2007