Automatic Theater:
This comedy is a culmination of years of work, gathering some of the hottest new improvisers from around Atlanta. The freshest faces from some of the biggest improv theaters in town have come together to show you the future of Atlanta improv. Automatic Theater's focus is storytelling, narrative and entertainment. They perform improvised theater. So be prepared to laugh, cry, and have an all around good time.
Richard Kickers:
Is a show that mixes short and long forms of improvisational theatre using a cast of 4-8. Starting with a suggestion from the audience, Richard Kickers rips ideas from current events, movies, TV and trivia to tell an improvised story. In May, they celebrate their one-year anniversary of playing at Relapse. Regular performers include Chris Nik, Ed King, Brad Binkley, Derek Mize, Jillian Fratkin, Troy Halverson, Anthony Todaro and Damian Dunn.
Official Website:
Added by SIDESHOW multi-media improv on January 3, 2009