For our first August meeting Phoenix Objectivists will begin a new six-part prerecorded lecture series entitled: "Atlas Shrugged as a Philosophical Novel."
This lecture series was conducted during The Atlas Society's 2006 Summer Seminar and was done by Dr. David Kelley and Dr. William Thomas.
The first segment we will listen to: "A Philosophical Thriller" is done by Dr. William Thomas in which he explains the essentials of the powerful combination of plot and ideas that make Atlas Shrugged a remarkable achievement. It concludes with an overview of the fundamental ideas of Ayn Rand's philosophy and the three-groups-to-two overall plot structure of the novel.
Running time for the CD will be approximately 70 minutes including Q&A and after we are done we will discuss the points brought up in it.
Official Website:
Added by VivaJefferson on July 15, 2011