ATAC’s fourth rally is headed to Midtown! We chose this location not only because Midtown serves as an excellent example of community engagement and organization but also because, like many Atlanta neighborhoods, they continue to feel the effects of a public safety system on furlough. We will gather at 10th & Piedmont at 5 pm to make public safety issue #1 before our elected officials.
Georgia Equality will also be speaking to advocate for Hate Crime Legislation in Georgia. Considering the alleged hate crime that happened in Midtown a month ago, some residents of the community - as well as across the city - are asking our state officials to enact legislation to better protect minority citizens and prosecute hate crimes against them. We encourage you to bring signs and join our cause!
The speaking program begins after 6pm so late-comers are encouraged to still participate!
Added by atac on April 23, 2009