Atlanta Computer Lab and Training Center, the Knowledge Shop, is offering one of its most popular classes on Tuesday 12/07/09 - Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint.
If you are current in or thinking about getting into sales, management or speaking, then you'll want to make sure you know how to use this slideshow software to help for your next presentation.
If you have been relying on someone else to do this for you all the time, what happens if that person is not available and you've only got a few hours or minutes before your big event? Make sure you can handle this situation.
Call 678-766-6666 today to sign up for 1 or more Microsoft PowerPoint classes from introductory to advanced levels. Perfect for those looking to upgrade their resume and/or companies that want to support their employees by providing the training they need to be more effective and productive in the future.
Is your anger destroying your relationships and impacting your work? It doesn't have to any more.
Not everyone has been taught by their parents or role models how to cope with anger. When you understand the triggers of anger and other options to deal with present situations, you can get a much greater handle on your emotions.
Before you lose your job or closeness of loved ones, get some help. Call 678-766-6666 to sign up for this first part of our standard 4 week offering so you can take advanced classes after the holidays. It will be over a month before we'll be offering this again. Space is limited, so don't get blocked out.
Mention Upcoming and we'll waive the $6 processing fee.
Official Website:
Added by hollnerpromos on November 22, 2010