1647 Canton Road
Marietta, Georgia 30066

Atlanta Pole Hotties:
Beginners Pole Dance Class for the Every Day
Women of Today.

When: May 2rd -23
Time: 8:15 - 9:15 p.m
Price: $99.00 4 week Program
Location: 1647 Canton Rd. Marietta 30066
Contact: 678-558-4842

You've been watching it on You Tube, You have been searching the
Net, debating on if you should take a Class, so now you have found
yourself here and you actually wanna do it!
Congratulations you are now on the next Step to finding your Inner
Hotness that we all no you have inside!

Each Class starts off with a

Sexy Warm up, leading into

Beginner& Intermediate Pole Dance Spins

Hot & Sensual Floor Moves

Beginners Pole Dance Climbs

Sexual Hip Rolls & Pole Dance Moves

Booty Bouncing

60 mins Class time

Pole Dance Class meets once per week for 4 weeks

Receives Discounted Student Price for any Workshops or Speciality
Classes while enrolled.

This beginners Class is for the " Every Day " Women of Today, who want to
experience the wonderful world of Pole Dancing.

Our 4 week class is just the first steps of getting you introduced to Pole
Dancing, Strengthening your Upper Body, finding your inner Sexy and feeling
Confident Strutting your Stuff on the Pole.
This is the First of the 6 Atlanta Pole Hotties Series of Classes.
After you have completed this First Level you can then advance to the next
level and so on and so on. All Ladies must take classes in sequence and are
not permitted to jump ahead to the next level.

Don't think you can commit to a 4 wk class?

Try a Drop in Class for only $25.00 -
(Please Call Customer Service a day in advance to ensure we have a space
available. We never want to over crowd our Classes, we want everyone to
have quality time on the pole.)

Please do not forget to bring with you a signed copy of our
Student Release form with you to your first day of class or you will not be
able to attend class and you will have to forfeit that class.

Please do not apply oils or Lotions prior to coming to class, and remove all
jewelry once you enter the pole room.

We encourage all ladies to bring something sexy to change into, you can
wear shorts, boy shorts, hot shorts, what ever you feel comfortable in, but
please remember that more skin you show, the easier it is to perform the
pole dance moves.
( Your skin causes friction, you want this)

Official Website: http://www.polewaxersuniversity.com

Added by Pole Waxers Pole Dance Studio on April 29, 2008