Atlanta Job Fair – February 6, 2012
Coast-to-Coast Career Fairs is hosting a Job Fair in Atlanta on Monday, February 6, 2012 at the Holiday Inn Capitol Conference Center. We are bringing together some of the area’s top local employers, who will be hiring for hundreds of positions. Anyone in the community who is looking for work is encouraged to attend this FREE Job Fair. The Career Fair starts at 11:00 AM and end at 2:00 PM.
This event will offer job seekers an opportunity to meet face to face with dozens of employers who are hiring today! Coast-to-Coast Career Fairs will also have a local career expert on hand to provide a free professional resume review.
Atlanta Job Fair
Monday, February 6, 2012
11 AM - 2 PM
Holiday Inn Capitol Conference Center
450 Capitol Avenue S.E.
Atlanta, GA 30312
Website info:
Official Website:
Added by Coast to Coast Career Fairs on January 16, 2012