Continuing a three-year tradition, ACP 9 will officially launch with an Opening Reception at The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia (MOCA GA). This reception will also mark the opening of MOCA GA’s exhibit, “Responding to Home.” Curated by Susan Todd-Raque, this exhibition displays images of “home” for six Georgia artists. The dialogue between memory and loss are the primary concepts integral to all the selected works. Featured artists include William Boling, Chuck Hemard, Jane Robbins Kerr, Judy Morris Lampert, Jerry Siege, and Karen Tauches.
Thu., Sep. 27, 2007 6:30 - 8:30 pm Presented with MOCA GA
The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia
1447 Peachtree Street
Atlanta GA 30309
H: Tues.-Sat. 10-5
T: 404.881.1109
L: Midtown
Official Website:
Added by whileseated on August 17, 2007