Madame X - 94 West Houston btwn Thompson & Laguardia
New York, New York 10028

Are you the athletic type? Are you active? Do you like to play sports? Would you like to meet singles who are fit, athletic and interested in being in great shape? Speed Dating is THE Best Way To Meet Many Singles in 1 Night!
WHAT: Athletic Speed Dating for Active Professionals: Gals: 25-35 & Guys 27-38
WHEN: Monday April 21 at 7:00 PM
WHERE: Madame X Lounge: 94 West Houston (Thompson & La Guardia)
COST: $30.00 Prepaid
We run our speed dating events like a party game -- you're there to meet new people and have fun. You can't decide whether to date someone in 5 minutes or not -- so don't try! Just focus on whether you want to talk further with the person you just met.

We provide the single folks and you turn up and have 10 "mini-dates" waiting for you. It's so easy. No rejection, no awkward moments...because we send our results by email within 48 hours.

Upscale Social Networking for Friendships, Relationships, Business
Parties, Events, Trips & Vacations

Official Website:

Added by BizNet on April 7, 2008