Full info: http://asyncjs.com/canvas-hacknight/
Thurs, 23rd September 2010 (arrival from 7.15pm, for a 7.45pm start).
@The Skiff, 6 Gloucester Street, Brighton, BN1 4EW. (map)
Please add yourself to the event, so that we have an idea of numbers.
read the book. You've
watched the talk. You've
seen the demos. You've laughed! You've cried! Now come along to the
Canvas Hack Night.
No experience necessary
(you don't have to have read the book, or seen the talk). It's a perfect opportunity to begin experimenting with drawing on the HTML5 canvas element, or to catch up with others, to work on your visual masterpiece.
There's no set agenda. Just a friendly atmosphere for an evening of JavaScript hackery.
Official Website: http://asyncjs.com/canvas-hacknight/