201 E. Boonville-New Harmony Road
Evansville, Indiana 47725

For the gaming afflicted, there is no cure, only treatment and you get it at Asylumlan. AL is a two day LAN party event, held quarterly at the Vanderburgh Co 4H center. AL has been treating this affliction for over five years.

Early Bird Registration - Thursday, Jan 22nd, 8pm-Midnight CST

This 4-hour registration session is for those folks that want first crack at getting seats and can pay for them right away.

During this session you can register any number of seats. However, they must be paid prior to midnight. All unpaid seats will be cancelled at midnight. Sorry, but this rule must be strictly enforced. The best way to pay for seats during Early Bird Registration is with PayPal. You may also hand-deliver your payment to our house in Evansville before midnight (email for directions).

General Registration - General Registration starts Monday, Jan 24th 8pm CST

Remains open until 1 week before the event. You can register up to a maximum of 4 seats per person.

* Registration fee is $30 in advance, $35 at the door.
* We kick things off at 10am on Saturday and run until 4pm on Sunday.
* Three Tournaments, Console Tourney, Night Owl Texas Hold'em!
* The Triathlon will continue to serve up good times with three imaginative and fun events!
* Don't miss out on our Case Mod competitions - now judged by the staff!
* Door prizes... Goodie bags... Hardware vendors... Massage therapy... Internet access... and more!!!
* Visit our IRC channel at irc://irc.gamesurge.net/asylumlan!

We are a family oriented event and gamers of all kinds are admitted. We game non stop during the event. We are the largest BYOC LAN Party event in Southern Indiana. Come join the fun!

Find out more at www.asylumlan.com

Official Website: http://asylumlan.com

Added by Grym on January 16, 2009

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