Friday Night Lights Back2School Kickoff event with JD Hill.
This event will draw in the JV and Varsity Football teams, athletes, coaches, teachers, counselors and parents of 55 Valley high schools for a night of fun, ASU Scrimmage football and inspiration.
The goal of this rally is Prevention. Arizona youth are the front line in the greatest drug epidemic in modern history and will need all the help they can get. This FREE rally intends to do just that; to give them the tools and hope they will need to build a brighter, drug-free future.
We are fortunate to have several keynote speakers with us: former NFL player JD Hill; author - William Cope Moyers (Broken); and James, a current ASU student and professional speaker. All of them will share their personal stories of addiction, hope, loss and recovery. The video "Crystal Darkness' will be shown at "Friday Night Lights" at Grady Gammage with two high school speakers speaking from 4-5PM.
A major part of this event is a Health Fair, where over 20 sponsor agencies will be able to set up informational and promotional booths.
We hope to reach an estimated 5,000 people in the course of two evenings.
If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to call me - Joan Parkinson, Kickoff Co-Director with JD Hill at 602-329-5679. We would appreciate your support and involvement in this premiere event.
We want your athletes, coaches, teachers, counselors and parents at these FREE events. We are limited to 1200 free tickets on Thursday and another 1200 free tickets on Friday.
Free for High Schools for August 21 and August 22.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 15, 2008