244 W 54th St
New York, New York 10019

We are going to host an event for all our meet-up members and people who are interested in astral projection in Manhattan. It will be Nov 15, 2009 (Sunday- 2:00 p.m to 3:30 p.m) And it will be only $25 dollar per member.

This get together meet-up will be a lot of fun, because it is all about our members, each member has to tell an astral projection story of their own or talk about one of these topics related to these subjects:

"Astral Projection, or any paranormal stuffs, like Ghost stories, Pagan, Religion, 2012, UFO, Meditation, Alien abduction, Wicca, Near death experience, Out of body experience, Haunted places, Mediumship, Psychic."

It is also all about knowing us... Me and my Co-host, and for us to know every member. And if you want the Master (who teaches all these superhuman courses) to comment what you have or give you advise on the spot, the Master will do so.

It will be like "live" show on the site, and we can each learn from one another. We will hear what we normally cannot hear in our daily lives, and best of all... you will get your answers (related to all the subjects mentioned above).

The master will also mention in this meet-up about:

A. How to communication with Jesus the correct way.
B. The secrets of human death.

Come to the meet-up, have a good time with the Organizer (=the Master), and the Asst Organizer= Executive Mgr, and meet other wonderful members too. And we will exchange ideas and communicate with members about... what are your wishes and how to build a stronger group together. After all, we do not set this group up to fail.

Either member or non-member, all are welcome to register and join this meetup.

There will be light refreshment on the site, and will be a great time for all of us.

For more details, please go online or make your reservation there:


Mark your calendar and don't miss out.

The Organizer

(The event location might change due to not sure how many people will attend this event, and we have various size of meeting place. For your info.)

Official Website: http://www.astralprojectiontraining.com

Added by foreverharmony on October 31, 2009