From Parks:
Currently, we are in the beginning phases of forming a Astoria Park group. The group hopes to bring together nearby residents and organizations to work together to ensure the overall health of the park. We are currently a collective group of Astoria Park users interested in clean ups and gardening days, advocating for physical park improvements, partnering with other program and events that take place in the park, environmental education, and creating literature/brochures. Whew, as you can see we have generated many ideas in a short period of time! Please come join us refine these thoughts and add your own ideas in one of our first meetings on February 12th at 6:30pm in the basement of the Steinway Reformed Church, 41-01 Ditmars Blvd at 41st Street.
All are welcome!
More info: If you have questions please call Helen Ho at 718-520-5913 or e-mail at Helen works with Partnerships for Parks and also happens to be an Astoria resident.
Added by mcotner on February 4, 2007
Thankful for the turnout. Please add the next upcoming meeting as well.
We Love Astoria Park.