Presenter: Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., CFPIM, CIRM
Are your current learning events designed to teach the new breed of learner, one raised on a steady diet of video games, electronic gadgets and the Internet? Are you trying to convince clients to create learning using Web 2.0 tools, games or simulations? Need help determining what technology is best for delivering what type of training? Confused by when to implement a wiki, blog, or podcast solution? Cant get management or clients to buy into educational games and simulations? In this interactive workshop, you will learn how the incoming generation of learners and their gadgets, games and gizmos changes everything.
Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., CFPIM, CIRM,is a scholar, writer and expert on the convergence of learning, technology and business operations. His background teaching e-learning classes, knowledge of adult learning theory, and experience training CEOs and front line staff provides him with a unique perspective on organizational learning. His experience with technology companies and high-tech initiatives provides him with insights into the future of technology and learning. He shares those insights and perspectives with students, clients and others through writing, consulting and coaching in the field of organizational learning. Most recently, his insights and perspectives are shared in his third book, Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning: Tools for Transferring Know-How from the Boomers to the Gamers published by Pfeiffer an imprint of Wiley. The book describes the learning methods necessary to transfer knowledge from the boomer generation to the upcoming gamers using tools such as gadgets, games and gizmos. The books web site is www.gadgetsgamesandgizmos.com.
Learn how to convert existing corporate knowledge into the proper format for new learning. Discover how iPods are teaching basic machine maintenance and medical diagnosis, how an immersive simulation is teaching basic Spanish, how audience response systems are used in sales training and how the national security agencies and large pharmaceutical firms are using wikis and blogs to re-configure their learning landscape. In this interactive workshop, you will gain insights about the new learning tools of the gamer generation and discover ways to design learning events that are fun and effective for all generations of employees. Specifically you will learn how to: Leverage Web 2.0 tools to provide collaborative learning environments.
Justify the use of games, gadgets and gizmos for employee training to internal and external clients
Create simple online learning events and games with minimal technological knowhow.
Organized by ASTD Central Iowa
Ticket Info: - ASTD and SHRM Members, $115.00
- Non-Members, $135.00
Official Website: http://astdci2009gadgetspgm-upcoming.eventbrite.com