In troubled economic times it is more important to take affirmative steps to protect your assets. Creditors and predators are on the prowl and you need the structures in place now for protection.
Date Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
Location Paragon Real Estate Group, 1160 Battery St, San Francisco, CA 94111
(Entrance on Courtyard level @ Levi's Plaza East)
Time 7:00 pm - 9:30pm
Tickets $15 in advance. Registered by 5/20 no later than 3pm (registered REI Circle members pay only $10), $20 at the door
Don't miss out this great opportunity!
At this event you will learn
* How to Protect Your Assets in Uncertain Times
* The Good, Bad, and Ugly Entities
* Protect Your Home and Family Assets
* Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Real Estate Investors
About the Speaker
Garrett Sutton is an attorney, Rich Dad's Advisor and the author of Own Your Own Corporation, How to Buy and Sell A Business, The ABCs of Writing Winning Business Plans and the co-author of Real Estate Advantages. Garrett helps real estate investors, entrepreneurs and business owners protect their assets and maximize the benefits of corporate entities. As a Rich Dad Advisor he "de-mystifies" the law and explains how the rich use corporate assets and minimize taxes.
Garrett is a founder and partner with Sutton Law Center, P.C., a law firm with offices in Nevada, Wyoming and California. Garrett is licensed to practice in Nevada and California and advises clients from around the world on the benefits of corporate entities.
$15 in advance. Registered by 5/20 no later than 3pm (registered REI Circle members pay only $10) $20 at the door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 7, 2009