4277 West 150th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Who Should Attend?
Managers, Supervisors, and Safety Leaders, Coordinators, and Trainers
Attendance is limited. This allows for an intimate setting and the ability to move through advanced topics at a fast pace.

Attend one seminar for $695.00
Attend two seminars for $1,195.00 (Save $195.00)
Attend three seminars for $1,795.00 (Save $290.00)

Terry L. Mathis - Founder and CEO, ProAct Safety, Inc
Shawn M. Galloway - President and COO, ProAct Safety, Inc

Seminar Description
This intensive session will enable participants to create a customized plan to assess and improve site and/or organizational safety culture. Common myths about safety culture will be dispelled and a good working definition will be developed to empower understanding and customization. Assessment methodologies will be discussed and compared and each participant will see how to best determine the cultural strengths and improvement opportunities. Based on the assessment findings, plans will be formulated to find the most practical and effective strategies to build on cultural strengths and address weaknesses. Opportunities will be investigated to utilize other site improvement initiatives to aid in the cultural improvement plans. All plans will conclude with measurement strategies to ensure long-term change viability and early identification of problems.

Attendees will be able to:
• Define the true nature and characteristics of safety culture
• Know where to start and what tools should be used to assess culture
• Identify the weaknesses and strengths within your safety culture
• Examine the trust between workers, union, supervisors and management
• Examine what is or is not working in your current safety efforts
• Identify what the workers/ union will or will not support
• Identify the formal/ effective communication strategies to facilitate change
• Learn how to measure cultural change

*This seminar qualifies for 1.0 CM points from ABIH (American Board of Industrial Hygiene).

Official Website: http://www.proactsafety.com/seminarassessinganddevelopingyoursafetyculture

Added by ProAct Safety on July 13, 2009

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