Today 50% of new hires are bad hires, and 67% of the employee population is disengaged. How can the latest research in expert performance and neuroscience rescue your HR department?
In this session, you will identify which practices actually build top talent and leverage collective intelligence to recognize that talent. Hear what neuroscience tells us about building talent, and identify best practices to give you the greatest results with the smallest investment of time and money. Attend this meeting to:
-Assess and screen top performers
-Explore new technologies that are changing today's talent management practices
-Apply new talent selection best practices
-Distinguish high performers from average performers using neuroscience
It takes a combination of strategic thinking, execution and awareness of the latest trends takes to drive results and get ahead as an HR leader. Apply these principles of top performance to yourself and your daily practice.
Speaker: Yves Lermusi is CEO & founder of Checkster - a new career and talent checkup tool. Mr. Lermusi is a well-known public speaker and a career and talent industry commentator. He was named one of the "100 Most Influential People in the Recruiting Industry" and his blog has been recognized as the best third party blog.
NCHRA Members: $35 / General: $55.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 25, 2008