2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 400
Santa Clara, California 95054

American Society of Mechanical Engineers presents:

ASME Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis Seminar

Sat, Mar 19, 9:00am-4:00pm, Santa Clara

MORE INFO: http://sections.asme.org/scvs/

ASME PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR Sponsored by the ASME Santa Clara Valley Section, with presenters from leading firms in Silicon Valley

SPEAKER : Dr. Norm Walker, ABAQUS Inc., Fremont, CA
You will hear from a speaker who is well-versed with advanced nonlinear finite element analysis and has written and developed FEA codes. The speaker has extensive knowledge about advanced applications spanning numerous systems and applications including rocket motors, commercial aircrafts, chipboard equipments, satellites, oil pipelines, medical devices and human tissue. Dr. Walker has been closely involved with finite element work for over 36 years. Learn about advanced FEA concepts in nonlinear applications !

YOU WILL LEARN... * What constitutes a nonlinear system * Basis for nonlinearity in structural mechanics * Constituents of a nonlinear structural system * Examples of nonlinear constituents, including hyperelasticity, elasto-plasticity, contact and multibody simulations * Solving nonlinear systems * Industrial applications

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Advanced FEA users, Unemployed Engineers, Users of Finite Element Softwares, Mechanical Engineers, Consultants, Stress Analysts, Technical Engineering Supervisors, and Technical Engineering Managers.

Non-Member: $149*
ASME Member or Engineering Society affiliation**: $89**
ASME Student, Unemployed, or Retired: $49
All attendees will receive a catered lunch, and break snacks/drinks will be a part of your seminar experience.
*Non-members will automatically become ASME members, if they complete an application form on the day of the seminar.
**SVEC Member and Affiliated Organizations DISCOUNT includes: AIAA, AIChE, ASME, IEEE, ASCE, SWE, and many others! See www.svec.org for detailed list

To register by check: ASME Professional Development Chair, P.O. Box 611865, San Jose, CA 95161

Saturday, March 19

The Enterprise Network
2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 400
Santa Clara, CA, 95054

$89 members, $149 nonmembers, $49 students/unemployed- includes lunch.

Website: http://sections.asme.org/scvs/
Email: burr_sa@yahoo.com
Phone: 408-360-0669

About American Society of Mechanical Engineers:
Founded in 1880 as the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, today ASME International is a nonprofit educational and technical organization serving a worldwide membership of 125,000.

Added by nancytubbs on March 8, 2005

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