All about binding
We'll briefly overview why it is extremely important with regards to performance, scalability and even security but quickly move into topics such as: Do I always want to bind? What is bind variable peeking? Is it good or evil in disguise or a bit of both?
Materialized Views, Caching
In this session we'll explore what a materialized view is, how they work, when we might use them, and various useful ‘techniques' you need to know in order to make the most of them.
Effective Indexing
We all know that "indexes are good", but what kind of index is appropriate, and under what circumstances? How does the type of index affect us? What are the considerations you want to be thinking of when coming up with your indexing scheme.
Storage Techniques
This session will look at the physical structures available to us, discuss when to use each. Techniques such as clustering, index organized storage, partitioning and compression will be investigated.
Reorganizing objects - when and how
We will discuss the times when a reorganization or rebuild is relevant, how to measure what you've done (to verify that the work performed did something useful!), and the best techniques for performing a reorganization of data.
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Added by paula.bartis on October 26, 2009