1286 Folsom
San Francisco, California

We, Asian Sex Workers is screening videos by sex workers
from San Francisco and from around the globe. We are proud to have
the opportunity to present the premiere screening of "Memory of Mrs.
Guan," the story of the leader of the sex worker movement, Guan Xiou
Qin (of COSWAS in Taiwan) who committed suicide recently as a
culmination to her political struggles. These videos range widely
from this very political memoir to the experimental work "Whore's
Diary : Pornography made by me & my client by BuBu de la Madeleine.
Miss Erochica's Burlesque Diary explores a background of images
through which burlesque artist, Erochica Bamboo, constructs her
persona. This collection provides a unique view of Asian women in the
sex industry, usually portrayed as victims and slaves, here portrayed
as strong , often political, proud and sexy individuals with a range
of goals and struggles.

$5-$20 sliding scale (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Official Website: http://www.sexworkerfest.com/swfest2007

Added by sex woker fest on July 9, 2007

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