Spring's a comin'! and soon it'll be time to get outdoors and party. So, join Asha For Education
(Silicon Valley) in welcoming spring at our annual Spring Run/Walk 5K/10K on
March 21st, 2010 at 9:00AM in Shoreline Park, Mountain View, CA.
This event is for the entire family. Stretch those legs, enjoy the Carnival with games, have your
face painted, get a henna tattoo, enjoy Indian food and much more....
Asha for Education is a global, voluntary, non-profit organization
dedicated to socio-economic change in India through the education of underprivileged children.
In pursuit of this goal, Asha primarily focuses on education in the belief that education is a
critical requisite for socio-economic change.
Added by Balu on February 26, 2010