'Ascent to Musical' has a number of subjects and poems blended together, with the likes of 'A Walk by Moonlight', 'Lord Ullins Daughter', 'Parents and Magic', 'Orphan Child', and the last sequence comprises of a number of Top Female Artists. 'A Walk by Moonlight' deals with an ambitious and dreamy lad who takes pleasure in watching the various elements of nature. He is seen walking to school, the lush greens of the plains swaying around him. This lad wants to be a part of the previous night again, as he finds it more appeasing and serene. 'Lord Ullins Daughter' is love story with a most touching and poignant ending. The background and the storyline are the main highlights of this presentation. The stirring drama of two lovers whose gaiety is greatly infectious, who later are traumatized as the girl, who happens to be a Princess, her father finds out and throws a fit. The end shows us the couple trying to flee from the clutches of the evil father across the river in a boat, which results in their drowning. Their death causes the aggrieved father to regret and lament the series of events that had been triggered by his disapproval of their match. The next presentation is a blend of two topics, Parents and Magic. The first topic is a dedication to one's parents. It starts with an audio-visual and deals with both the mother as well as the father. The second topic deals with the elements of magic. The next presentation deals with the agonizing and heart-rending story of an Orphan Child. The unfortunate urchin lives on the streets and dreams of a life in the lap of luxury. She dreams of a peaceful and quiet life where she doesn't have to deal with her poverty and pathos. She also dreams of having a family and a household and the most important, love and a sense of belonging. In the end of it all, the story is the same old same, she sleeps in the lap of poverty, a hunger-stricken child and wishes to wake up to a better world, where everyone lives happily and togetherness is abound!.
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Added by buzzintown india on June 16, 2009