260 N Mathilda Av, D 10
Sunnyvale, California 94086

Namaste Divine Lights

We are holding this special class for all the Reiki masters who are interested in exploring all the other branches of Reiki to enhance their energy field and get in tune with more Ascended masters and Angles.
Instructor: Monika Goyal Monika is one more amazing Master I have met on my journey. I would love to share her teachings and blessings with you. Let's welcome her and bask in her sunshine.
Come and explore the energies of Ascension Reiki ! Expand your horizons.
Pre Requisite:

Reiki Master/ Teacher for one year.
What to look for:
13 Attunements over 2 days
Amazing new symbols and how to use them
Some more about Ascension Reiki

Check details on:

Added by manisha.reiki on April 7, 2010

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