8001 Kennett St, Suite 3
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

An evening workshop for artists presented by Empowered Women International, in partnership with Space 7:10 at Kefa Café and Heliport Gallery.

An introduction to entrepreneurship as an artist, this evening workshop presents practical ways, information and resources to lead artists in their chosen careers. Immigrant and U.S.-born artists working in any media, including craft, are welcome to participate.

Two of the most critical essentials of getting your life organized as an artist will be the focus of the evening:

• your portfolio, and
• your marketing plan

Instructor: Marga Fripp, social entrepreneur and Founding President of Empowered Women International (EWI), and Director of A Woman’s Story Gallery in Old Town Alexandria www.ewint.org

Fee: $35. Refreshments and handouts provided.
Limited seating, so RSVP to Marga at 703-778-6310 or cfripp@aol.com

Official Website: http://www.ewint.org

Added by Space710 on March 20, 2007

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