On September 12, 2008, Artery will open with a bang in North Portland with an exhibit of Artists from Beautiful Losers, an
adaptation of Beautiful Losers, the renowned art exhibit, book, film and artist collective that began touring the globe in 2004.
Artists from Beautiful Losers will feature the works of Shepard Fairey, Barry McGee, Ed Templeton and Portland residents Chris Johanson and Jo Jackson. Also shown will be selected works of Geoff McFetridge, Ryan McGinness,
Harmony, Todd James, Cheryl Dunn, Mike Mills, Thomas Campbell, RoStarr, and Cynthia Connolly. The pieces have been collected over a number of years by Murdoch and will be shown as a collection for the first time in September. Artists from Beautiful Losers will show serigraphs by artists above and marks the first time the art has been assembled and shown in Portland.
Official Website: http://arterypdx.com
Added by lambsie on July 29, 2008