The Knitting Factory | Hollywood, CA
ArtistForceLive is back and better than ever! We’ve revamped this event to offer the premier forum for Entertainment Relationship Management. In addition to presenting the hottest ArtistForce bands, DJ’s and comedians, this mixer is designed specifically for industry members and talent buyers seeking to maximize their business opportunities. Come join us at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood for the opportunity to meet ArtistForce executives, demo the software, and learn more about what AF can do for you. Of course, the party will feature a raging dance floor and plenty of great talent. ArtistForce is proud to present the ultimate experience in business and pleasure.
Learn more about ArtistForce at http://www.ArtistForce.com
This month’s AFLive goes hip-hop! Booked on ArtistForce.com , and featuring performances by AF members: Optimus, Closed Heart Surgery, Non from ShadowHuntaz, plus the Comedy of AF Member and Host Smalls!
featuring performances by ArtistForce Members:::::::
Through what OPTIMUS calls "L.A. STREET ROCK" he aims to change the game with his debut album, The Whethaman.
When asked to describe his music, OPTIMUS quotes "If 'The Roots' and 'Sublime' had a baby and this baby was illegitimately brought up by 'Led Zepplin' and beaten up in school by 'Eminem' but best friends with 'Nas', that's what it sounds like!!!"
OPTIMUS' music defies categorization, blending his many influences into a style all his own. Spitting riveting lyrics with his signature flow over rock riffs and reggae rhythms OPTIMUS' wants his music to be recognized for its originality and organic live spin. Without the use of computers and samples, The Whethaman, is a purely organic record, solely composed of live instrumentals and vocals.
Closed Heart Surgery
Closed Heart Surgery has been rhyming about life, love and loss since 2005. This Orange County act expresses indie sensibility through their brand of hip hop. Sampling from various groups like Alkaline Trio, Depeche Mode and the Plain White Ts, their music reaches an audience that would not normally listen to rap music
Non from Shadowhuntaz
A member of The Shadow Huntaz underground collective.
If you want food for thought, his minds a banquet. He can be found running in the shadow across the sprawl of greater Los Angeles. A hungry mc, filling his gut on the fleshy under belly of hip hop, with a international standing. Working with foreign labels and touring from the US to England, Europe and Japan. Non is a self confessed internet junky, always can be found slapping a new vein online, the same time composing new albums that are recorded, then file transfer protocol to various producers on opposite sides of the world. His eclectic styles are described as vocal science non-fiction. Whether electronic or hip hop, nongenetic aka non finds home in the undiscovered, rarely heard but never forgotten, idiosyncratic sounds of new music.
Hosted by Smalls!
New Features at AFLive November:
Industry Networking Hour
Build your contact list.
AFLive provides the opportunity to connect One on One with ArtistForce users and the ArtistForce Executive Team.
ArtistForce Q&A
Gain valuable insight.
Ask Questions and Learn More about the ArtistForce platform and solution with ArtistForce CEO Jonathan Romley and Special Guests
ArtistForce Booking Demo
Check out the platform.
The AF Team will demo ArtistForce on stage to book an Artist to Perform at the next AFLive Event
*SuperSecret Announcement*
You'll have to hold your breath for this one...
Hosted by Smalls
Photos by shadowscene.com
Live Video Broadcast on Operator11.com
As always, this event is FREE for ArtistForce Members
$10 or FREE BEFORE 10PM with RSVP
Added by artistforce on November 7, 2007