The opening night of Otis Ike and Ivete Lucas's Libres y Lokas at Domy Books was an over-the-top spectacle, channeling the frenetic energy of the artists' subjects. Candid photos of Monterrey's poor, urban drag queens and bloodied wrestlers demanded a second look. All night, a line snaked out of the small cinder block house at the back of the gallery where a dual-channel video looped footage of performance marrying spontaneity. Local drag queens Christeen (Paul Soileau), Kelley Kline and Jame Perry gave energetic - and perhaps shocking, depending on who you talk to - performances to Domy's packed house. It was crazy!
In an effort to temper the excesses of that night by digging deeper into the ideas behind the exhibition, Domy will host an evening of discussion and a video screening with the artists on Thursday, August 20th at 7:30pm. Ike and Lucas have much to say about the intersections between poverty, alienation from society, performance and DIY community. Admission is free. The exhibition will be at Domy Books through September 3rd.
You can read an interview with them that was published in the Austin Chronicle here:
Andy Campbell, author of the essay for the book that accompanies this exhibition, will be here to introduce the artists! He will say smart things!
(Andy Campbell is a Ph.D. candidate in Art History at the University of Texas at Austin. His current work is on Leather communities and visual culture.)
Official Website:
Added by salvo cheque on August 20, 2009