104 S 5th St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

Three artists, actor Brett Keyser, sculptor Eve Andrée Laramée and printmaker Beauvais Lyons will discuss their artistic response to Darwin, evolution, and the APS Museum’s exhibition, Dialogues with Darwin. Questions to be addressed: Why did all three choose to take an ironic stance in relation to Darwin and evolution, given the controversy they still generate today? What did they learn from the process? How have audiences responded to it? --Linda Hutcheon, (University of Toronto) a leading scholar on the theory of parody, will chair the panel.
Please rsvp to museum@amphilsoc.org

Official Website: http://www.pachs.net/dialogues-with-darwin/programs/artist_panel_a_priest_a_rabbi_and_charles_darwin_walk_into_a_bar/

Added by aps_ed on August 30, 2010

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