This is the perfect class to help the struggling artist move from the hobbiest to the serious artist. A series of 6 classes over a 6 week time frame, this class covers low cost and no cost techniques of marketing you and your art. All six classes only $100.00... you can't afford not to gather all of the great info from this course.
Registration deadline: Feb. 2, 2013
Start Date Feb. 9, 2013 Saturdays (9:00 am to 12:00pm ) Feb. 9, 16,23 Mar. 2, 9, 16.
Location: IonArt.Morgan Studio 1461 Lake Groves Rd., Lake Placid, FL. Bld. D Units 13 - 14(Located inside Lake Placid Storage Warehouse - An Inspirational Artistic Warehouse Community.
Added by ion art on January 29, 2013