1st October The Launch of ONE FOOT COW (New Cross Inn)
and The Return of SPOON OF MUSIC (Brixton Windmill)
Live Music / DJs / Visuals and ...!
Upsetta in Association with Artful Festival Presents: One Foot Cow
Playing Live:
The Coolness
You can not miss these! Seriously! http://www.myspace.com/tenderlovingcoolness
+ Upsetta (live) Former Goldie Co-Writer Presents his new band: http://www.myspace.com/upsetta
+ Beatie Wolfe - acoustic singer/songer writer. http://www.myspace.com/beatiewolfe
+ DJs sets from Floyd (Former Baby D Songwriter ) Writer of 'Let me be your fantasy' Playing Oldskool Rave + Tim Upsetta DJs playing ska/electro/rock/dub + Ian Upsetta DJs Playing electro/breakbeat/house http:/www.myspace.com/upsettadjs
+ visuals provided by Elliott Johnson and friends.
Part of the Artful Festival - so photographers, writers, film makers, artists... come on board and share the joy either in South East London (above) or South West London (below)...
Part of the Artful party...
Spoon of Music Presents…
KASMs + Thee Vicars + Micron 63
The Windmill, 22 Blenheim Gardens, Brixton London SW2 5BZ
8pm – Midnight / £4 Entry on the Door
KASMs (London) : Magnetic rhythms, hypnotizing front woman and frenetic prickly melodies make KASMs sound like something that belongs hidden in a horror film. Part metal, part industrial and ear piercingly brilliant. Be afraid. “shouty, screamy and thoroughly energetic…a stylish sound that incorporates a touch of experimental mayhem” Pix Magazine
“a short sharp burst of aggression” Drowned in Sound http://www.myspace.com/kasms
Thee Vicars (Bury St Edmunds) : Volatile, dirty and primal rock n roll in the vein of The Sonics and The Stooges aggressive garage punk. The 1960s tried to forget this type of rawness, Thee Vicars are here to remind us. http://www.myspace.com/theevicarsuk
Micron 63 (London) : Surging and frenetic rhythms that collide with jagged post punk melodies. The bleakness of PiL or Bauhaus all mangled together creating something even darker and menacing akin to Nine Inch Nails. The sound of your heart exploding in your chest. http://www.myspace.com/micron63
1st October The Launch of ONE FOOT COW (New Cross Inn)
and The Return of SPOON OF MUSIC (Brixton Windmill)
Live Music / DJs / Visuals and ...!
Upsetta in Association with Artful Festival Presents: One Foot Cow
Playing Live:
The Coolness
You can not miss these! Seriously! http://www.myspace.com/tenderlovingcoolness
+ Upsetta (live) Former Goldie Co-Writer Presents his new band:
+ Beatie Wolfe - acoustic singer/songer writer.
+ DJs sets from Floyd (Former Baby D Songwriter ) Writer of 'Let me be your fantasy' Playing Oldskool Rave + Tim Upsetta DJs playing ska/electro/rock/dub + Ian Upsetta DJs Playing electro/breakbeat/house http:/www.myspace.com/upsettadjs
+ visuals provided by Elliott Johnson and friends.
New Cross Inn (Art Gallery Music Bar & Boutique) 323 New Cross Road SE14
Free entry before 9pm, £3 after Students £2.
Part of the Artful Festival - so photographers, writers, film makers, artists... come on board and share the joy either in South East London (above) or South West London (below)...
Part of the Artful party...
Spoon of Music Presents…
KASMs + Thee Vicars + Micron 63
The Windmill, 22 Blenheim Gardens, Brixton London SW2 5BZ
8pm – Midnight / £4 Entry on the Door
KASMs (London) : Magnetic rhythms, hypnotizing front woman and frenetic prickly melodies make KASMs sound like something that belongs hidden in a horror film. Part metal, part industrial and ear piercingly brilliant. Be afraid. “shouty, screamy and thoroughly energetic…a stylish sound that incorporates a touch of experimental mayhem” Pix Magazine
“a short sharp burst of aggression” Drowned in Sound http://www.myspace.com/kasms
Thee Vicars (Bury St Edmunds) : Volatile, dirty and primal rock n roll in the vein of The Sonics and The Stooges aggressive garage punk. The 1960s tried to forget this type of rawness, Thee Vicars are here to remind us. http://www.myspace.com/theevicarsuk
Micron 63 (London) : Surging and frenetic rhythms that collide with jagged post punk melodies. The bleakness of PiL or Bauhaus all mangled together creating something even darker and menacing akin to Nine Inch Nails. The sound of your heart exploding in your chest. http://www.myspace.com/micron63
For More info:
http://www.myspace.com/spoonofmusic and http://www.artfulfestival.com