Northfield, Minnesota 55057

AGENDA -- Revised Draft

ARTech Board Meeting

11 May 2006, at ARTech, 6:30pm

1. Call the meeting to order

2. Verify quorum

3. Approve minutes of 13 April 2006

4. Approve Agenda

5. Speakers Corner: This is an opportunity for community members to address the ARTech Board of Directors on subjects related to the school. Please limit comments to three minutes.

6. Consent Agenda:

7. Reports:

A. Parent Group Report
B. Presentation Night celebration update

C. Director update

8. Discussion Items

A. Draft contract with Northfield school district
B. 2006-2007 ARTech calendar
C. Budget (sorry, gmail seems to have some weird formatting issues]

D. Board calendar and plans
9. Action Items:

A. Any items that result from above discussion

10. Announcements

11. Adjournment

Official Website:

Added by Northfield School of Arts on April 23, 2006