320 Hull St.
Richmond, Virginia 23220

You’ve heard about the artist, innovator and author Tim Lefens. We are excited to present his work as our featured artist for our spring show.

His exhibit opens on March 23, 2012 at Art Works in Richmond, Virginia.

At the exhibit, you can expect to see Lefens’ painterly-abstract expressionist paintings in monochrome colors, in unique shapes with texture that provides ever-evolving changes depending on the light, weather and conditions surrounding the artwork.

We are proud to present 5 other exhibits
All exhibits continue through April 22, 2012. This event is free and open to the public.

Now, about this remarkable man and artist: You must meet him. Whatever I say here is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Let’s start with Artistic Realization Technologies (A.R.T).
A.R.T is a program developed by Tim Lefens that provides the “tools and techniques that allow for un-compromised self-expression to severely challenged individuals. These individuals “have never walked, rarely if ever spoken, and have little or no practical use of their fingers”. Under Tim’s creative guidance the nonprofit organization based in Belle Meade, New Jersey has expanded to locations in Arizona, Florida, New York and most recently at Art Works in Richmond, Virginia. A.R.T. is a story in and of itself. You can learn more about A.R.T. at www.artrealization.org and through Lefens’ award winning book Flying Colors available at Art Works Gallery, online and in major bookstores throughout the country.
We’ll leave it at that because the exhibit at Art Works and stories you’ll hear are about Lefens’ own challenges, victories, processes and artwork.
Lefens has had many successes in the art world.
He studied at VCU where he received his BFA and did his graduate work at Rutgers University Mason Gross School of the Arts. His paintings have been featured in numerous Manhattan galleries including Brooke Alexander, Farah Damji and 420 West Broadway. Lefens is a recipient of the Pollock-Krasner Award for Painting. His key mentors include: the pre-eminent art critic/writer Clement Greenberg; art historian Sam Hunter, Prof. Emeritus Princeton University, the author of ‘Modern Art’ and the painter Roy Lichtenstein, with whom he has a thirty-five year friendship and who provided the seed grant to establish A.R.T.
And although very successful, he also has had his own challenges,
a condition known as RP (retinitis pigmentosa). This condition affects dark adaptation and the peripheral visual field. Because of RP, Lefens cannot see color. But Lefens is good at adapting. With fifty years of painting experience in the cells of his body and an integral part of his mind, Lefens is totally confident in his work, in his studio and his processes. He has assistants who mix color under his direction, which he sees “clearly in his minds eye’. All the other processes for his work are performed by Lefens.
Lefens says that if he were not completely satisfied with his artwork, he would not continue and if anything he feels his work has gotten even better. One of his collectors, James A. Johnson says:
"His new work is the best he's made in the thirty years I've been looking at his paintings.”

Tim Lefens’ exhibit at Art Works is scheduled for March 23, – April 22, 2012. The public is invited to meet the artist and hear him speak about “stories from the art world” at 6:30 p.m. on March 23rd followed by a reception from 7 pm – 10 p.m.

Other exhibits opening in the gallery are:
WATERSIDE by Bill Harrison
An award winning and prolific photographer, Bill Harrison presents images captured in and near the waterways. This exhibit in the Centre Gallery, West.
Tara Courtland is a photographer and brings a new body of artwork to the Centre Gallery, East.
PUSH, PULL: A Collection of Paintings and Prints
by Tiffany R. Floyd
Floyd is a student currently enrolled in the Master of Interdisciplinary Studies in Art Program at Virginia Commonwealth University. The works featured in this show were created during her studies and are process-driven. She experimented with literal and implied space. The prints are from a collection of collagraphs, woodcuts, foam prints, and silkscreen prints. The paintings were created using acrylics. Her exhibit will be in the Corner Gallery.
This is the third annual art show at Art Works honoring Earth Day. The show is juried. Each piece of artwork in this exhibit is made from recycled materials and makes a statement about Earth Day. Call for Entries is on March 16 and 17, 2012 at ART WORKS. For more information on entering work in this show see: http://www.artworksrichmond.com/CallforEntries.htm
This exhibit is a juried show with cash prizes and is open to all artists and all mediums. Call for Entries is on March 16 and 17, 2012 at Art Works. The juror is Marjorie Perrin, a well known Richmond artist and teacher. For more information on entering work in this show see: http://www.artworksrichmond.com/CallforEntries.htm

Art Works is located in Old Manchester, 1/2 mile from downtown Richmond across the 14th Street Bridge. Visit 5 galleries and 75 artists' studios from 12pm - 6pm Tuesday - Sunday. Free and open to the public.
Glenda Kotchish and Paula Demmert * 320 Hull Street Richmond, VA 23224 * 804 291.1400 website:
www.artworksrichmond.com email: info@artworksrichmond.com
Free parking at lot at East 5th Street and Hull. Also on street parking is available.

Official Website: http://artworksrichmond.com/Show2012-03.htm

Added by ArtWorksRichmond on March 14, 2012

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