A special four hour field workshop gives you many of the skills of survival in the wilderness. Building shelters, making primitive fires, finding food and water are all essential skills in the wild. This hands on learning intensive will provide an opportunity to experience many of these skills and to begin to develop the necessary know-how for wilderness living and survival. This is an adult themed workshop but people of all ages are welcome. We especially encourage people with an interest in tracking and wildlife to join us. Both beginners and advanced trackers will come away from this workshop with new skills and experiences! Pre-registration is highly recommended for all weekend programs. Please register by the Wednesday prior to the weekend. To register, call (919) 489-0900. Make sure to check on this web page before coming on the day of the program in case of class updates or cancellations. Updates will be posted alongside the course descriptions for each course. Drop-ins are also welcome if the program is not already full. Directions: All weekend programs take place at Leigh Farm Park in Durham except for the Owl Prowls, which take place at Mason Farm Preserve in Chapel Hill.
Added by Upcoming Robot on February 2, 2011