32083 Alvarado Niles Rd
Union City, California 94587

The Signs of True Success are…
A lasting smile, confidence in life and a sense of belonging with everyone. -- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founderof the Art of Living Foundation

The Art of Living Course gives participants the practical knowledge and techniques to unlock their deepest potential and bring fullness to life.

The course combines a powerful breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya - which brings a state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being and peace – with practical wisdom for getting the most out of life. Participants leave the course with specific techniques they can practice every day. These practices are sacred treasures that grow in value over the years, as the benefits continue to blossom in daily life.

Here are some of the experiences of the previous course participants:

For the course:
1. Attendance of all 6 sessions is essential for getting the full benefit of this course, as each session builds upon the previous one.
2. Please arrive at the course 15 minutes early.
3. Wear Comfortable clothing.
4. Bring a water bottle, a blanket and a cushion if you like.
5. Have a light dinner before you come to the course.

The Art of Living Foundation is a nonprofit, educational and humanitarian organization, in service in more than 140 countries on six continents, and is one of the world's largest UN-accredited Non-Governmental Organizations. For more information visit us at www.artofliving.org

Added by Chaitra Chandrashekar on April 12, 2009