6 DAY COURSE- January 26 - 31, 2010
In the course you'll learn:
* Easily learned tension-releasing YOGA exercises
* Revitalizing breathing techniques to increase energy and deeply relax the body and mind
* Natural principles of effective living to get the most out of your life
* Guided interactive processes... lots of fun
* Sudarshan Kriya - an immensely powerful technique that incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and purify the entire system by releasing toxins at the deepest cellular level.
* Reduced stress
* Improved health and wellness
* Heightened enthusiasm
* Greater concentration
* Improved self-esteem
* Greater creativity and clarity of mind
* Increased physical energy
* Enhanced interpersonal skills
* Reduced cortisol (stress hormone)
* Relief from depression & anxiety
* Restored normal sleep patterns
* Increased prolactin (well-being hormone)
Start Date: Jan 26, 2010 6:30 PM
End Date : Jan 31, 2010 3:00 PM
Weekday Timings: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Weekend Timings: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
VENUE:Sundowner Inn
ADDRESS:504 Ross Drive,Sunnyvale, CA 94089
CONTACT:Ciby Mathews @ ciby_mathew@yahoo.com/408-718-5735
REGISTER at http://tinyurl.com/AOLCourse-Jan26
Official Website: http://us.artofliving.org/
Added by Ramiya on January 14, 2010