25566 Lahser Road
Southfield, Michigan

Art of Living and International Association for Human Values present -Cultural Evening for a Humanitarian Cause-.
I. Indian Classical Fusion music program by:- Jay Shankar Balan on Violin Usha Srivastava on Sitar Vinod Seetharaman on Mridangam Sachin Chitnis on Tabla
II. Indian Classical Dance program by:- ICMD (Indian Classical Music & Dance) group from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
III. Western Music by Brian Kaldalhl on Guitar Ticket Prices:- Regular - $20 Students and Seniors - $15 Children under 5 - Free
IV. Dinner Buffet will be available for a nominal charge. For event and ticket details, please contact:- Ramakrishnan 313-587-1347 Balaji 313-205-9522 Karthik 248-854-3321 Brijesh 734-891-9620 Email: sri_eventguru@yahoo.com Visit: http://www.artofliving.org and http:/www.iahv.org
Admission Details Ticket rate Regular $20, students and seniors $15
Contact Information 313-587-1347

Added by mibazaar on January 8, 2006

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