2370 Walsh Ave, Suite A
Santa Clara, California 95051

Course Features
* Yoga: Easily learned tension-releasing stretching exercises.
* Revitalizing breathing techniques that increase energy and deeply relax body and mind.
* Guided interactive processes
* The Sudarshan Kriya ; A powerful breathing technique that purifies and rejuvenates through the elimination of toxins at a deep cellular level.

Video report on MSNBC -

Some Benefits of the Course:
* Reduces stress & improved health
* Improved self-esteem
* More ease and joy in personal relationships
* Relieves depression and anxiety { More medical research at www.aolresearch.org }
* Restores normal sleep patterns

The Art of Living Foundation is a nonprofit, educational and humanitarian organization, in service in more than 140 countries on six continents, and is one of the world's largest UN-accredited Non-Governmental Organizations.

Added by aoloutreach2370 on February 11, 2010

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