"Teen Talking Circles belong in the category of what we call the intangibles. You can't see or measure intangibles like you can see a building or a monument. The intangibles live inside us and are at the root of what is most important of all."Eric Liu, author, founder Guiding Lights Network, fellow at the New America Foundation, former speechwriter for the husband of Hillary Clinton, and member of the advisory board of Teen Talking Circles
One of the greatest gifts we can give another is the gift of ourselves -- the spaciousness of our nonjudgmental presence -- simply, quietly, being with another and listening with an open mind and open heart. When not tied to an outcome, or pressing someone to take our advice, this kind of witnessing and acceptance is one of the most healing experiences on the planet both for the person sharing their truth aswell as for the person listening. This soothes our hearts and nervous systems, allowing new insights and wisdom to flood the body, mind and spirit. This isthe root of real and lasting transformation.
Eckhart Tolle talks about the value of being able to sit alone quietly with oneself and listen into consciousness as it awakens us to our purpose and potential. In the best of circle experience, we find that this same quality of consciousness is amplified through the compassion and focused attention of each member of the circle stimulating the emergence of collective wisdom and new ideas. This same experience happens at our trainings.
Just imagine you had a safe place, a confidential, intimate space where you felt free to be yourself with people who accept you for who you really are and are willing to work out relationship issues as they come up a space where you were free of unnecessary fear of judgment, criticism or rejection. Where you didnt need to hide behind a false front or mask what you are going through. Now imagine you are sixteen years old and have a space like this. How would it have changed your life? How might it change the world?
Teen Talking Circles started in 1993 with a 10-week focus group of teen girls that turned into a 2-year circle and included several day-long GenderTalks with teen guys as well as a young mens talking circle. Seventeen years later, we have produced 3 highly valued books, dozens of important interviews with world leaders and consciousness shapers, and hundreds of workshops, trainings, retreats and circles around the world for others to replicate what we've done. Today, Teen Talking Circles, and talking/listening circles in general, are recognized worldwide as one of the most important social technologies available for people of any age.
In this training you will learn the art of circle facilitation from the people who have been leading circle for over a decade. Youll learn by experience, the best way of all, how it feels to be part of a circle -- how to create safe space, set intentions, lead check-in, explain the steps to listening compassionately, lead exercises and processes that open the heart, and pick up information and skills that will help you be a successful facilitator.
"The circle is not a solution to our problems nor is it a magic wand that makes all our problems instantly better. It is more like a missing piece of social technology, which enables us to tap into a capacity for wisdom, collective support, and insight that lays dormant and unused in all of us... it is an intentional process which creates a sacred space that helps to lift barriers between people and open up fresh possibilities for connection, collaboration, and mutual understanding." Roca
Co-Facilitating this training are Linda Wolf, co-founder and director of Daughters Sisters Project and founder/executive director of Teen Talking Circles, and Genevieve Wolf Smeeth, who was herself a youth member of a Girls Circle through middle and high school, and is now a co-facilitator of the Bainbridge Island Girl's Talking Circle and co-leader of Womens Sacred Circle Retreats with her mother, Linda.
Also facilitating are teen girls (and possibly guys) from our local circles who will be on hand during the training to share their personal experience, demonstrate specific processes and exercises, and answer questions.
Also on hand one afternoon will be guest speaker, Rick Matteson, a suicidologist on the advisory board of TTC.
After the training and for as long as you are a member of TTC, you will have access to those of us in the home office, as well as facilitators around the world through our interactive website, blogs, facilitator gatherings, and conference calls. We are here to help you be as successful as possible in starting and running your own Teen Talking Circle.
TTC Trainings are held in a private home on Bainbridge Island, Washington. They are limited to 13 people max including the two facilitators. So early bird sign up is recommended to assure your space. (This comfortable setting in a rural environment near the state park and beach, and allows for plenty of walking exercise. Bring your tennis shoes, Tevas, or flip flops!
Whether you are paying Full Fee or have received a scholarship your fee covers delicious, healthy meals (organic as possible, with vegan options), and all materials including our new Handbook and documentary DVD. However the above fees do not cover lodging. We recommend people find their own lodging on Bainbridge Island. We recommend the Island Country Inn for those wanting a hotel. To contact them, call their office at 206-842-6861. In some scholarship cases or special circumstances we will do our best to help you lodge close by with friendly neighbors who will be glad to offer you a guest room at no charge.
Linda Wolf is a certified facilitator of Compassionate Listening. Compassionate Listeningis a service mark of the Compassionate Listening Project. For more information about Compassionate Listening, contact compassionatelistening.org. For more information about Linda Wolf, see:
Ifyou would like to order copies of our books go to:
TeenTalking Circles is a 501C-3 nonprofit organization. Today, there are circles inspired by TTC worldwide, and branch representatives in Boulder, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; Lopez Island, Washington; Yelapa,Mexico; Culver, Indiana; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Lagos, Nigeria; and Mumbai,India to name a few --with more starting each year.
We are deeply grateful to the ancestors of many indigenous cultures and women's sacred traditions for their parts in the birthing of circles as a healing process.
Contact our home office for more information:
Organized by Teen Talking CirclesAbout Teen Talking Circles
have learned so much about facilitating healthy and significant
dialogue among and with teens from the work of Teen Talking Circles
that it has become ingrained in our structure. Students now insist on
there being time each week for "circle," both for girls and boys.Kudos
to all those on staff at TTC for dedicating your lives to improving the
wellbeing of children and those that care about them. Well done!"
Smallman, Director, Puget Sound Community School, Seattle
Ticket Info: - DEPOSIT (PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW by clicking more info), $205.00
- EARLY BIRD OPTION: Pay full fee now and receive a $25 discount, $534.95
Official Website: http://ttcjune09-upcoming.eventbrite.com