595 E. Water Street
Pendleton, Indiana 46064

Would you like to meet new people and build a unique art collection? Then
Artist Trading Cards (ATC) is for you.
Come to the Pendleton Community Public Library, 595 East Water Street on Sunday, August 16th at 1:30 p.m. and for a $5.00 fee, you can learn to make your own card.
ATCs are miniature works of art created on 2 ½ x 3 ½ card stock. They are small originals of self-produced artwork. You trade them with other people who have made trading cards, either at a trading session or by mail. You can build your own collection by exchanging cards with others.
Call the library at (765) 778-7527 or email ashannon@pendleton.lib.in.us to register.

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on August 4, 2009

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