More than 100 local artists are expected to participate in the Flagler County Art League's sixth annual Art in the Park show and festival April 4-5. The event, which has attracted increasing attendance every year, will be held at a new location, Daytona State College, Palm Coast Campus.
Emerging and professional artists of all types will compete for some $2,000 in cash awards. The exhibition also features a student art competition, with participation of the talented teens of Matanzas and Flagler Palm Coast High Schools.
Festivities will kick off with the City of Palm Coast Concert Series, Friday evening. The outdoor part of the event will include a variety of fine art and craft vendors, artist demos throughout the weekend, mini art clinics for adults and children in mediums such as watercolor and sculpting, and a small pet parade, with prizes, Sunday afternoon. Registration for the parade will be at the Kid’s Zone tent on Saturday.
Area restaurants will be offering specialties, and ongoing entertainment will be provided by local musicians, singers and dancers, hosted by Captain Kirk, MC.
For additional information, contact Liz Monaco, FCAL president, at 386-871-8895.
Added by baughman.betty on March 1, 2009
What are the hours on Sat and Sun for the art show? Also, may we bring a small dog on a leash to the show? Thanks.