500 2nd St. SW
Albuquerque,, New Mexico 87102

Come have a beer and take care of some early xmas shopping as you help Barack Obama’s Campaign for Change! On Friday, Oct. 3rd at 8pm at the Orpheum Art Space - SE corner of 2nd and Coal - regional artists and musicians will gather to offer their work in support of Barack Obama for President. Don't miss out on this fun opportunity to purchase some locally produced art work with all money raised going towards Barack Obama's Campaign for Change. .​.​.​think​ of it as early​ xmas shopp​ing.​ there​ will be scarv​es,​ t-​shirt​s,​ jewel​ery,​ and some reall​y amazi​ng art ~ rangi​ng from inexp​ensiv​e hipst​er print​s to preci​ous (and price​y)​ paint​ings.​ All kinds of cool, locally and regionally produced crafts will be available for purchase. Short films, photography, paintings, clothing, cartoons, . . . everything. Tractor Brewing Co. will be serving up their great beer and many local musicians will be entertaining all night. You can help Obama’s candidacy just by drinking a beer! . . . or getting nice gifts for your loved ones! Simply put: What: Art sale, social gathering, concert, fundraiser for Obama, voter registration drive. When: Fri. Oct. 3rd, 8pm ~ 10:30pm Where: Orpheum Art Space - 500 2nd St. SW, Albuquerque - southeast corner of 2nd & Coal How much: Suggested donation of $10. Artwork and beer will also be available for purchase with the revenue going to Obama's Campaign for Change. Contact: Matt (Dinger) Hemmendinger - 505-507-7989, dingAaAr@gmail.com Hannah Macpherson - 310-386-5112, HannahEMacpherson@hotmail.com Rebekah Wiggins - 575-914-0024 epibutter2u@yahoo.com

This event was submitted by MyBO on behalf of Mr. Dinger. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gshb4p

Added by MyBO on October 2, 2008

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