Art Explosion Open Studios 17th Street
View spectacular art works in the artists studios!
Art Explosion Studios 17th Street has been a home for many talented artists over the last 15 years. Each year the artists work together to produce AE Open Studios. This year over 50 artists will be opening up their studios to display the art they have been working on. Some of the best art in SF will be on display so come by and enjoy some refreshments while viewing 100's of spectacular works of art. The artists work hard on producing the shows and they always offer an exciting opportunity to explore the local SF art scene. See you there!
Some of the Artists showing:
Jhina Alvarado, Jack Androvich, Oana Barac-Matei, Michelle Champlin, Cameron Chernoff, Emily Citraro, Simon Cox, Matt Crane, Stephanie Cunningham, Megan Cutler, Tanya Derkash, Georgianne Fastaia, Lauren Field, Michiko Fowler, Rebekah Goldstein, Luke Harrington, Dmitri Hochstatter, Rosemarie Hughes-Croucher, Scott Inguito, Adam Jacobson, Kally Kahn, Thomas Kuoh, Amelia Lewis, June Li, Leslie Linnebur, Ytaelena Lopez, Liz Maher, Natalie McDonald, Terry McGlone, Monica Merlitti, Rubyspam, Cheryl Morgan, Ben Morse, Ben Needham, Rom Nisnisan, Priscilla Otani, Dan Pask, Melisa Phillips, Lucky Rapp, Catherine Reed, Sybil Rhodes, Jeff Riley, Steven M Scotten, Heike Seefeldt, Deval Shah, Wendi Spiers, Larry Vasan, Tim Svenonius, Kelly Veilleux, Beth Wellington, Rachel Znerold
Free Admission, Free Refreshments.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 27, 2009