100 Turner St
Beaufort, North Carolina 28516

The Mattie King Davis Art Gallery's featured artist for February and March is Craig Gurganus of Beaufort. Craig's well-known "Fish Bouffant" art was born on a beach in Southern California back in 1987 when Craig Gurganus glimpsed the outline of a fish in one of the pieces of a broken surfboard. "I was living in Los Angeles and surfing in San Diego. The whole way back home, I kept looking at it and looking at it. I figured out I could make a fish, and that's how it started."

From that inspiration, Craig developed the fish which would become the first of a full-fledged menagerie of creatures including sailfish, dragonflies, ladybugs, killer whales, and tigersharks. Using the tools of the home workshop - jigsaw, sanders, and paintbrushes - surfboards and other mainly recycled materials are transformed into sculpture, each custom made and unique.

A resident of Beaufort, Craig's creations can be found in private collections and restaurants all over the country. Even former President George H.W. Bush is a proud owner of one of Craig's works. Craig met George Bush, Sr., who sometimes fishes near Beaufort, when the former preseident's fishing guide bought him a bonita in 1999. Actor Nicholas Cage also picked up one of Craig's angelfish and a triggerfish while filming a movie in Wilmington.

Craig's fun and fabulous art is sold to customers around Beaufort, and across the nation. Many buyers of his art see his pieces when they sail into Beaufort. The Mattie King Davis Art Gallery, the oldest gallery in Carteret County, located on the grounds of the Beaufort Historic Site, is proud to feature Craig's artwork during the months of February and March.

Official Website: http://www.beauforthistoricsite.org

Added by zinnia250 on January 7, 2009