Subject: Duet Show of Artist titled Faith and Nature from 30th May '08 – 5TH June 2008
Mystiq Art Gallery will be starting Duet Show of Artists SatyaPrakash and Ram Dongre
Exhibition is titled FAITH & NATURE
Venue of the exhibition: Mystiq Art Gallery D 3 Defence Colony New Delhi 110024.
Exhibition Timings: 11am -7pm
Exhibition dates 30th May '08 – 5TH June 2008
Ram Dongre has touched upon the immortal association man has with his creators.This unseen ,unspokenforce is symbolized in various ways and worshipped in myriad cultural festivals
Ram Dongre’s first foray into art was with the sculpture of Maa Durga and ever since the Gods and their influence on mankind has been his source of inspiration.
God has been symbolised in idols, verses and paintings.Man believes that such a force exists is undeniable and when we are stressed and depressed and lose all hope we tend to pray to God and hope he untangles our problems.
Ram Dongre’s canvas depicts the association mankind has for his creators.The fact that God is the beginning and the end ‘Inspite of us forgetting him in our busy lives or in happier moments is so apparent in his canvases with the pictures depicting a severed image.There is a break , but the continuity is maintained.Our beliefs are the essence of our actions and Ram Dongre has made that so obvious in his paintings.
SatyaPrakash bemoans the rapid indifference mankind is exhibiting towards nature.A relationship that is supposed to be symbiotic for a mutually beneficial association between man and nature is being eroded with greed ,driving the wedge deeper.The effect of this are now apparent; thousands of species have become extinct, global warming and so on are issues that are staring mankind in the face.
Satya Prakash has depicted the relationship between man and nature as being that between mother and child no matter how destructive the child be the mother will always have a soft spot for the child but there is limit to everything before irreversible damage begins to take place .This has been very beautifully exhibited on his canvas.The strain in the relationship is very much palpable and the threat to our very existence is very vivid as well. One is forced to think about what we are doing to nature in our quest for bettering our lives.
Added by jojojo on May 27, 2008