On Sunday, December 21, 2008, 11:00 AM-
4:00 PM, Roman Jewelers in Flemington will host a fine arts and crafts show at Renaissance Plaza, 39 Hwy 12, Flemington, NJ 08822. This event will be free and open to the public. Visitors will be able to enjoy a wide spectrum of original artworks and finely crafted items, and the artists will be present at the event to answer any questions about their works. These special and unique items are sure to provide holiday inspiration .
The art show will be directed by Susan Roseman, owner of the Riverbank Arts Gallery in Stockton, NJ. Many of the artists that will show at this event also exhibit their works at Riverbank Arts.
Several well-known artists throughout Hunterdon and Bucks Counties will show their works. Illustrator/author Dar Hosta of Raritan Township will bring her artwork and will sign four of her books during the event. The books are as follows:
If I Were a Tree (Winner 2008 Teachers’ Choice Award, Winner National Arbor Day Foundation’s Media Award, Winner 2008 American Horticultural Society’s Growing Good Kids Book Award)
I Love the Night
I Love the Alphabet
Mavis & Her Marvelous Mooncakes
The artists confirmed for this event at press time are (additional artists may participate):
Holly Bodzas-rugs and felt works
Jack Bodzas-arylics on canvas
Elizabeth Eich-paintings, cards
Dar Hosta-art prints, children's books
Gloria Kosco-pottery
Deborah Lavine-knitted hats
Carolyn Mercatante-ceramics, prints
Lisa Naples-pottery
Robert Reid-furniture
Bob Richey-pastels
Susan Roseman-prints,cards
Kathleen Snee-glass beads, ceramics
Barbara Stanger-brass/metalornaments
Annelies Van dommelen-handmade boxes
About some of the artists:
Susan Roseman: In addition to being the owner of the Riverbank Arts Gallery, Susan Roseman is herself an artist specializing in the portrayal of everyday life in prints.
Bob Richey: Bob Richey draws landscapes with soft pastels. His goal is “to make the geometry of the world accessible, inviting and beautiful” and to capture the essence of the moment. His works have been shown on both regional and national levels, and have won many awards. More than 2,000 of his original pastels have been purchased for private collections.
Lisa Naples: Lisa Naples hand-makes pottery, narrative figures and garden sculpture. She works in red earthenware, as well as clay from the mountains of North Carolina. Her exhibitions include the Smithsonian and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Deborah Lavine: Deborah Lavine creates fashionable knit hats focusing on only natural fibers. The hats are accented with ribbons from France, vintage buttons, handcrafted pottery buttons, and glass beads and buttons.
For additional information,go to http://www.romanjewelers.com/events.aspx or call Sheila Palka at 908-237-1223.
Added by Event Sponsor on December 16, 2008