*LOCATION NOTE: This event takes place at KEVIN HEAPHY FITNESS, 30 VANDAM STREET, NYC. There's some trouble with adding a venue today...*
Transforming Stress Into Creativity in 90 Minutes
Anger and stress abound in modern life, affecting individuals across age, gender, ethnic and socio-economic boundaries and negatively impacting society by often leading to violence, criminal behavior and abuse.
ART ATTACK is an initiative to combat an overwhelming daily frustration at work and stress as busy New Yorkers. The concept comes from co-founders Caroline Bergonzi, visual artist, and Josh Kauffman, performing artist, with the support of Diane Festa, Gestalt Therapist and writer, Maddalena Maresca, co-founder of Green Sea Theatre, and Awam Ampka, dramatist and NYU Professor, among others.
The inaugural ART ATTACK—"Dare to Express" event will take place in New York City Dec. 8th-9th, at Kevin Heaphy Fitness in SoHo with Valerie Heaphy, KHF President, acting as facilitator and host.
Based on the logic of utilizing art therapy for anger management, the event can be likened to “kindergarten for grownups.” ART ATTACK is an event for anyone who seeks fun, laughter, and creative expression as a means of tension release. The event provides a very friendly, playful and challenging approach to relaxation and renewal.
The two-part event begins Friday with a "Raw Emotions" Art show, powerful music and dancing, and mingling. Saturday’s 90-minute workshop is designed to reveal creativity as participants engage in a series of activities including boxing, visualization techniques, artistic activities, massage and more.
ART ATTACK was designed with the working person in mind. By targeting corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone who suffers from stress and needs to have their passion, excitement, and creativity re-energized. The event seeks to inspire and transform participants so that they emerge renewed and ready to creatively problem solve and take charge of their lives.
“We see stress as un-channeled energy that can be managed and utilized toward creative purpose,” says event founder Caroline Bergonzi. “The goal is for each participant to begin to release pent-up creative energies and begin removing the mental blocks that keep us stagnant.”
Please call 212.388.1415 or email myartattack[at]gmail.com for more information.
Official Website: http://myartattack.com
Added by kmball on December 6, 2006