103 Danbury Road
Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877

Experience the use of art and your own paintings to discover, and actuate, the healing power within each of us. This is a rare and exciting opportunity to learn from this world-renowned healer in an intimate setting surrounded by his artistic creations.

For over fifty years, though his practice, in his books and at his seminars, Dr. John Diamond has helped his audiences to recognize, understand and utilize the healing power of art in their lives. As an artist, he has spent years perfecting the flow and grace in the movement of his hand and brush. This very special exhibition focuses on Dr. Diamond's unique Haiku paintings, revealing concepts of energy and thought, each a personal reflection of transformation and understanding.

In his new book, Stillpoints: An Introduction to Haiku Painting, he describes the Stillpoint as, “the moment when you sit perfectly quietly having completed the painting, the haiku painting—at peace, in harmony, your life in perfect resolution. You are totally in the moment with no past, not even the immediate past of when you made the painting, of when it was made through you. And with no future. You, the painting and the world, are Now.”

Gallery show through May 30th

Seminar details: Sunday, May 17 at Ironwood Gallery. 2:30-4 PM. Limit of 30 participants. $50 per seminar. Reservations required. For questions or reservations about the seminar, please contact mail@drjohndiamond.com or call 203-894-1882.

Official Website: http://www.drjohndiamond.com

Added by KatonahGreen on May 14, 2009