Rhodes Moorhouse Court
Morden, England SM4 5NY

The residents of Haig Homes in Morden are holding an Armed Forces Fun day and have invited the Cadets from the borough to celebrate the Cadet 150 year anniversary of its formation.

The event will be help on the field to the front of Rhodes Moorhouse Court which is 1 minute walk turning left exiting St Helier Railway Station,
All ex service friends and families from the surrounding Boroughs are welcome.

There will be entertainments for all ages, stalls of various kinds, plus food and drinks.

Bouncy castles for all and groups are invited to enter teams into the Fun Tug of War that we will hold during the day.

Any profits will be distributed between the Armed Forces charities after the Armed Forces Day Saturday 25 June 2011.

Transport Links
First Capital Connect to St Helier 2 an hour
London Buses
154, S4 St Helier Station
93, 80 The George
Morden Tube 1.1 Miles

Supporters of the event
Haig Homes (Morden) Residents Association
South London Nepalese Gurkha Association
The Baitul Futuh Mosque (Morden)
Croydon Army Careers
Merton Grassroots Grants
Haig Homes
Londis (Green Lane)
Tesco (Sutton)

Contact details

Name: Paul McDonnell
Phone: 07790901274
Email: pdamcdonnell@sky.com


Added by Armed Forces Day on June 1, 2010

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