High Street
Stockton on Tees, England TS18 1AU

At the following events Town Centre parking and public toilets are available, there is no charge to any of the events and is open to all ages.

21June 210 - 1030hrs Flag Raising Ceremony out side Town Hall with public address by Lt Col Heron(ret'd) Light Infantry. At 0900hrs in the Shambles on the High Street there will be a display by the Council's Museums Department of the Borough of Stockton's Military History. This display will remain on show for the week 21-27 June 2010.

24 June 2010 - 0930-1700: Starting at 0930hrs with a church service for the Armed Forces in the Parish Church on the High Street , Stockton. This will be followed at 1015hrs by Tri-Service information stands from local units of the TA, Cadets, Middlesbrough Armed Forces Recruiting Office, The Rifles and the Yorkshire Regiment plus the civilan support services of SSAFA, The Royal British Legion and the RAF Association. These will run all day. The Mayor will host a civic lunch in the Town Hall, Stockton, for all military and support services taking part in the Displays from 1130-1300hrs.

1430hrs The Borough of Stockton will bestow on the Yorkshire Regiment the Freedom of the Borough followed by a civic reception in the Thornaby Aerodrome Club (formerly the Ex-Servicesmen's Club).

Free Tea Dance in the Buffs Club Norton Rd Stockton on the 24 June 2010 1530hrs to 1730hrs after the freedom parade, access to the event is not available to wheel chairs until the new lift is put in.

Contact details:/

Name: Kevin Bowdrey
Phone: 01642 528160
Email: kevin.bowdrey@stockton.gov.uk


Added by Armed Forces Day on April 30, 2010

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